
Sales Tax Exemption

Asked by: Pamela Fry  — 20 June, 2012

We have just formed a small business LLC and was wondering if we are eligiblle for sales tax exempt in anyway? Also, if we already have an EIN number do we need to get another one for the LLC?

Answered by: admin  — 20 June, 2012


Generally sales tax exemptions apply to resellers of goods, non-profit organizations, and the sale of specific goods listed by the state. Often you will have to first apply for a sales tax permit in order to obtain a tax exemption. In some states there is an additional registration process to obtain a tax exemption and in some states there is no registration required. The process varies and we can help you figure it out.

An EIN number must be in the name of the business entity (LLC). If you already have an EIN number in the name of the LLC, you will not need another one.

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